Frequently Asked Questions
If you do not find the answer to your question here, please call the Parks & Recreation office at (315)487-3600, M - F, 8:30 - 4:30.
Registration & Payments
> Where do I mail Registration Forms?
4600 W. Genesee Street, Syracuse, NY 13219
> Who Do I make checks payable to?
Camillus Parks and Rec
> Where do I obtain a Registration Form?
Forms can be found on our Programs & Events Page or Here
> What payment methods are accepted?
Cash, Check or Credit Card
> Can I register for a program after it has started?
Most programs can be registered for once they've started, however, we do not pro-rate
> Can Non-Camillus Residents register for a program?
Many programs accept non-residents for an additional fee
> What are the Program Cancellation and Refund Policies?
The Cancellation and Refund Policies can be found Here
> Why are some program fees based on WG School District residency and some based on Town of Camillus residency?
Some programs take place at WG School District Facilities, therefore, those fees are based on WG School District residency. Programs that take place on Town of Camillus Facilities are charged fees based on Town of Camillus residency.
> What Employment Opportunities are available?
We usually hire for seasonal employees (fall/winter) (spring/summer) depending on our needs. Please apply using the Employment Opportunities button at the top of the page.